Rural Vermont
Rural Vermont is dedicated to preserving community-scale agriculture in Vermont through advocacy and awareness.
Rural Vermont Homepage Web Design
Visitors to Rural Vermont’s website are looking to be informed about the state of agriculture in Vermont’s legislature as well as to take action to support their efforts. We wanted users to be able to do that right away, so calls to action and information summaries are front and center.
Rural Vermont Website Screen Image
Rural Vermont hosts or partners in events throughout the year to raise advocacy, funding, and awareness for issues surrounding agricultural policy and law in Vermont. On scroll, users are able to engage further with events, issues Rural Vermont is tracking, or as a partner or member.
Rural Vermont Issues Page
We wanted to have two levels of availability of information: one is the longer-term issues that Rural Vermont keeps up-to-date as well as the shorter-term action going on in the legislature at any moment. Using a list page for the long term, more static issues, and a feed style for the shorter-term issues makes it easy for both visitors and Rural Vermont to receive and relay information.
Rural Vermont Resources Page
Rural Vermont is also a central resource directing citizens to other organizations and groups in the state that deal within the food and agricultural space. Providing an information hub on the site for consumers and farmers helps organize and get that information out to those who want it.
Rural Vermont Donation Page
As a nonprofit, Rural Vermont relies on support through memberships and donations to keep moving. We utilized a DonorBox feature (free for nonprofits!) integrated with Stripe (which is the integrated Squarespace payment processor) to allow members to make secure recurring or one-time donations.