GBYCMA Capital Campaign
The Greater Burlington YMCA needed a website for the community phase of their campaign to stay in the heart of Burlington.
Greater Burlington YMCA Capital Campaign Screenshot
The final $500,000 phase of the GBYMCA's capital campaign is a fundraising effort to engage the community they serve. With compelling imagery, video, and testimonials, we sought to bring in those who want to contribute to their future.
GBYMCA Capital Campaign Screenshot
We used imagery of the current facility juxtaposed with renderings of the new design to excite the visitor to the vision of the GBYMCA's future.
GBYMCA Capital Campaign Screenshot - What's Your Y Story?
For those wanting to contribute something invaluable, we used testimonials and the opportunity for community members to share their Y story to strengthen their bond with the organization.
GBYMCA Capital Campaign Progress Page Screenshot
As with any good fundraising effort, the contributors love to know answers to the big questions. Using infographics to show fundraising progress, the role of this campaign in the overall effort, and dynamic show/hide FAQ's, the Y provided those answers to visitors.
GBYMCA Capital Campaign News and Updates Screenshot
To enhance SEO and user content, the GBYMCA capital campaign used a blog feature with the two most recent posts summarized on the News page. This helps give visitors new content and continues to tell the Y story.